Position:home>Standard drug plane>Our country standard should realize international to break through hard
Our country standard should realize international to break through hard
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Our country assumes orgnaization of technology of international Organization for Standardization and member job conference to be held in Fujian Xiamen On June 11, 2008, our country assumes orgnaization of technology of international Organization for Standardization and member job conference to be held in Xiamen. National standardization managed committee to Shi Baoquan vice director attended the meeting and make a report. Conserve the director emphasizes, on one hand, the orgnaization of technology of international Organization for Standardization that our country assumes is our country standardizes the window that Chinese form develops in the activity in international, want to carry our fruitful work, make contribution for the development of international Organization for Standardization; On the other hand, want to use our country to assume the big the main chance of orgnaization of international Organization for Standardization, it is more technical standard promotion that own our country own intellectual property international standard, achieve international breakthrough. Dcl